The days of scoffing at Facebook and Twitter accounts is long over. Being active online allows you to drive visitors to your website, which are then converted to leads, and then hopefully sales. Helping businesses build and maintain a strong social media and digital presence on the internet is how I pay the bills, but the benefits of social media exist for all businesses.
It is easy to forget that the internet is the most easily accessible medium in the world. Don’t take it for granted. Your loyal customers need to be able to stay in touch with your brand. Here are three web sites that are a must-have to build social media for small business owners.

Four web sites that are a must-have Small Business Owners
1. Facebook – You need to build a Facebook page for you small business if you have not already done so. Think of your page as your online storefront; you should have your hours and services posted, and a way for you clients to reach you or your customer service staff. You get out what you put in, some people jazz up their page and share a ton (more than 50 items a day) and some business owners are happy with 2-3 short messages a day.
2. Twitter – If attention spans were not already too short, Twitter allows users to post short messages of 140 characters or less, called “tweets.” By starting a Twitter account, your most loyal customers will be able to “follow” you so they can get the latest scoops on deals, special events, or anything else you want to relay to your customer base. Tweets are a great way to promote new products or get feedback and existing ones.
3. Pinterest – This is a newcomer to the internet, but Pinterest has become increasingly important in social media for small business. Pinterest is the self-acclaimed “virtual pinboard” where users can create galleries of everything from their baby shower to a trip to the Grand Canyon. Small business owners are cashing in on this web site by creating loads of interesting and engaging pictures. Visitors see the pictures, then visit the respective website, thus building an online customer base.
4. Your website – You must have a website. This is your lobby, it is often someone’s first impression of your company. It needs to represent your business accurately. Make your contact information, phone number, address and email address easily accessible. Have your logo on the site and if you are a retail shop, have a picture of your storefront.
Your customers are online – are you?