As Featured on Forbes: 19 Unconventional Branded Social Media Accounts That Inspire Marketers

There are certain brands that are absolutely killing it with their social media presence—and the public knows it. In the past, most of us wouldn’t willingly interact with corporations on social media platforms that are meant to connect us with our friends, but many brands have developed such creative, unique, and hilarious personalities online that we can’t help but follow them.

In this Forbes Agency Council article, 19 business leaders, including Baker Marketing Laboratory, listed social media accounts that stand out and inspire them as marketers. Here’s what we said:

“The Empire State Building’s TikTok account stands out because it takes a historical landmark and infuses it with a modern twist. The content gives the building a clever personality that combines nostalgia with current trends. It’s such a breath of fresh air because it is the definition of creativity—if the social media team can turn a literal building into a fun character, the possibilities are endless.”

Gavin Baker, President and Founder of Baker Marketing Laboratory

Here’s what other marketing professionals said their favorite social media accounts were:

“Without a doubt, it has to be Ryanair on Twitter, a budget airline renowned for cramped space and extortionate upgrade prices. The brand knows it, we know it, and it lives every moment of that personality through its Twitter communication. Whether it be brutal honest reactions to customer queries or humorous responses to complaints, whenever Ryanair tweets, you know it’s going to be a beauty!” – James Hacking

“I would say Duolingo—the green owl is outrageous! The reason Duolingo’s social media strategy has helped create such a powerful brand presence is because of its unique brand personality. Duolingo is known for being too pushy, persistent, organized and slightly awkward. The brand has managed to take these human traits and build a fun brand presence online and offline.” – Candice Georgiadis

“I love BarkBox’s online presence. The brand regularly posts memes and user-generated content, and it addresses customers directly on social media, appealing to BarkBox’s ideal audience of dog lovers with a sense of humor. Even press releases addressing unintended interpretations of product designs maintain a genuine, lighthearted and humorous tone—and have gone viral multiple times as a result!” – Evan Nison

We are lucky to be a part of Forbes Agency Council alongside these skillful business experts!

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