As Featured on Forbes: 14 Leaders Share Their Agencies’ Internal Plans For The Holiday Season

The holiday season is a whirlwind for marketers. Q4 means launching year-end campaigns and organizing impactful holiday events, all while trying to plan for the new year. It’s a busy time of executing tasks while also strategizing for what comes next.

To better understand how marketing agency experts navigate this hectic season, Forbes Agency Council asked 14 industry leaders, including Baker Marketing Laboratory, to share their internal plans for the holidays.

“Although not every client observes a fiscal year that runs January through December, many clients start heavy planning for the next year during the holiday season. We want them to be able to enjoy the holidays and not stress about next year’s marketing plan, so we do everything we can to plan early and support them.”

Gavin Baker, President and Founder of Baker Marketing Laboratory

Here’s what other industry leaders said:

“We take a “Christmas in October” approach to holiday season preparation. Just as stores decorate for the holidays early, our designers, marketing managers and content creators are already ideating. We are coordinating everything from creative holiday greeting card design ideas to end-of-year team photo shoots and seasonal messaging.” – Lorrie Thomas Ross

“Our agency is currently fine-tuning our holiday season email marketing strategy. We’re ramping up our email list segmentation efforts to ensure that our holiday messages reach the right audience with tailored offers and product recommendations. This will ultimately optimize our email marketing performance during the busy holiday season.” – Dmitrii Kustov

“‘Tis the season to start planning your in-person or virtual holiday gatherings and gift-giving to ensure everyone feels connected and celebrated. We’re planning those initiatives now because there are too many moving parts to wait until the last minute.” – Jessica Hawthorne-Castro

We are lucky to be a part of Forbes Agency Council alongside these skillful business experts!

You deserve a stress-free holiday season, so now is the perfect time to plan ahead on next year’s marketing strategy. Whether you’re looking to refresh your website, start sending a monthly email newsletter, rank above your competitors on Google, or embrace new digital platforms and technologies—the possibilities are endless. Explore our services to find out how we can help you achieve your 2024 goals.

Baker Marketing has spent years helping healthcare businesses unlock the growth they deserve through creative digital marketing solutions. Contact us today to schedule a call and build your dream marketing plan for the new year.