As Featured on Forbes: How 16 Agency Pros Find Inspiration For Creative Campaigns And Copy

If you work in marketing, you likely have your own unique way of finding creative inspiration. Whether that involves spending time in nature, diving deep into research, or taking a break from your computer, often the best ideas can come during the most unexpected times.

In this Forbes Agency Council article, 16 marketing industry leaders, including Baker Marketing Laboratory, shared how they find inspiration for creative campaigns and copy. Here’s what we said:

“Inspiration can always be found in the target personas that we are trying to reach with the copy or campaign. We determine what problems those people are currently facing and what types of content/topics would be beneficial for solving those problems. Then, we use SEO research to discover the exact questions being asked around those topics, as well as what phrases/keywords to use.”

Gavin Baker, President and Founder of Baker Marketing Laboratory

Want to get started on a creative campaign for your business? Schedule a free consultation today!

Here’s what other marketing professionals had to say about finding inspiration:

“For me, white papers and studies are rich in data and perspectives. My life experience continues to add flavor to this information. Understanding what surrounds you has the potential to influence others as well as the outcomes of what you are involved in. The more you know, the more open you are—the more influential you can become, the more you can shape change.” – Fran Biderman-Gross

“Inspiration can come from virtually anywhere if you find time for quietness and reflection during the day—even in a board meeting. If you’re actively and quietly listening, you can have an “aha!” moment or inspirational idea at those times, or when driving, walking or reflecting on your day.” – Jessica Hawthorne-Castro

We are lucky to be a part of Forbes Agency Council alongside these talented marketers!

Baker Marketing has spent years helping healthcare businesses unlock the growth they deserve through creative marketing solutions. Contact us today to schedule a call and learn the difference we can make for your business.