As Featured on Forbes: 16 Ways For Companies To Identify Their Marketable Differentiators

In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive world, everyone is searching for that one-in-a-million idea or the secret to being number one. This race to stand out from the crowd is particularly challenging for businesses, as they must find a way to rise above the noise of the million others vying for attention. How can you ensure that yours is the one that captures the attention of your target audience?

In this Forbes Agency Council article, 16 industry leaders, including Baker Marketing Laboratory, shared innovative ways to help companies identify their unique differentiators and leverage those differentiators to appeal to their audience. Here’s what we said:

“Focus on what your customers uniquely need from you. One of the best ways to do this is to start with a simple question: “What can you do now that you couldn’t do before?” This will give insight to what impact you are having. Often, we find that clients miss this truth for another, and actual differentiation is left on the table.”

Gavin Baker, President and Founder of Baker Marketing Laboratory

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Here’s what other marketing professionals had to say about identifying your differentiators:

“When you workshop a company’s founder’s story and origin story, you can often uncover some really rich, distinctive narratives about the brand. When coupled with the traditional brand positioning elements, a strong storytelling program will help you to develop really unique messaging that your competitors can’t duplicate in any meaningful, authentic way” – Cooper Munroe

“The key to standing out is to create a personality for the brand. What does the company stand for, and how does it demonstrate that? Then, every tool in its marketing mix should embrace this. Over time, it will become clear!” – Leeza Hoyt

“Offering the best customer experience possible and focusing on customer-centric, problem-solving strategies are the way to go for any business. Not only do these innovative practices help you maintain your edge in today’s competitive market, but they also set you apart from competitors by providing clients with added benefits and value they can’t get anywhere else!” – Kamaljit Singh

We are lucky to be a part of Forbes Agency Council alongside these talented marketers!

It’s hard to stand out in a crowd of businesses. Baker Marketing has spent years helping healthcare businesses unlock the growth they deserve through creative digital marketing solutions. Contact us today to schedule a call and learn about the difference we can make for your business.

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